Chess rules:
How pieces move:
Every possible move will be displayed when selecting a piece.
Queen (

): Any direction.
King (

): 1 tile in any direction.
Pawn (

): move 1 tile forward but can only take 1 tile diagonal forward.
Rook (

): Rows and columns.
Knight (

): Two tiles out and one to the side in any direction (Can jump over other pieces).
Bishop (

): Diagonals.
How to win
You win by putting the opponent's king (

) in checkmate. This means that it can't move anywhere without being threatened and is threatened. If you play with time, you also win when the opponent's time is up.
You can't make a move that puts your king in check (threatened). If you can't make a move without putting your king in check, the game will draw.
Special moves
Two-tile pawn move: Pawns (

) can move two tiles the first time they are moved.
Castle: The King (

) can "Castle," meaning if your king has never moved and is not in check, you can move it two tiles to the left or right, also moving the closest rook over your king if the rook has also never moved.
En passant: If your pawn (

) is in the tile next to an opponent's pawn directly after it moved two tiles, you can capture it by moving behind it.
Promotions: If your pawn (

) happens to reach the last row, you will be able to choose a piece you want the pawn to promote to.
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