Explanation of every indicator around the board

Turn Indicator: indicates which colored turn it is.
Help Menu: Closes and opens this menu.
White - Black timer: Shows the time left for each player.
White - Black points: a slider that shows how much value in pieces has been taken by each player.
Taken White - Taken Black pieces: displays all the taken pieces.

Explanation on how the settings in the start menu work
The "Flip Board" Button will make the pieces switch sides after each move. This can be weird to look at first but is recommended if you are two people playing as it can be easier to evaluate the board if your pieces are at the bottom.

The two dropdowns "10m" and "+0" are used to change the settings of the built-in chess clock. The first dropdown selects how many minutes each player has, and the second selects how much time you will gain after making each move.
The all_inclusive symbol will remove the timer completely. View the "Other" tab for more information about how the clock works.

How to navigate your pieces across the board
A piece can be moved once it is your turn, indicated by the Turn Indicator at the top of the board (View "Layout" ), by clicking the piece and then clicking the preferred square to move to. Pieces cannot be moved so that your own king () can be captured by the enemy pieces. Pieces can not walk thrue other pieces, except for the knight () wich can. Capturing is done by simply moving your piece to a square of which the piece you want to capture is. Pieces have rules declaring how they can move (view "Rules"), and all possible moves you can make will be highlighted once you select a piece. If your king () happens to be in check, meaning an enemy piece is threatening its square, you must defend it. This is shown by your king having a Red Ring around its square.

Chess rules:
How pieces move:
Every possible move will be displayed when selecting a piece.
Queen (): Any direction.
King (): 1 tile in any direction.
Pawn (): move 1 tile forward but can only take 1 tile diagonal forward.
Rook (): Rows and columns.
Knight (): Two tiles out and one to the side in any direction (Can jump over other pieces).
Bishop (): Diagonals.
How to win
You win by putting the opponent's king () in checkmate. This means that it can't move anywhere without being threatened and is threatened. If you play with time, you also win when the opponent's time is up. You can't make a move that puts your king in check (threatened). If you can't make a move without putting your king in check, the game will draw.
Special moves
Two-tile pawn move: Pawns () can move two tiles the first time they are moved.
Castle: The King () can "Castle," meaning if your king has never moved and is not in check, you can move it two tiles to the left or right, also moving the closest rook over your king if the rook has also never moved.
En passant: If your pawn () is in the tile next to an opponent's pawn directly after it moved two tiles, you can capture it by moving behind it.
Promotions: If your pawn () happens to reach the last row, you will be able to choose a piece you want the pawn to promote to.
Chess clock:
View "Other".

Restarting a game
Starting a new game is done by either pressing the "Rematch" button after a game has ended or by simply reloading the site. This can be done by pressing the shortcut Ctrl + R on your keyboard or pressing the refresh button in the top left of your browser.

How the clock works
When playing chess, you can have a clock making sure no one takes too long making their moves. The clock contains two timers, one for black and one for white. View "Layout" to see where they are. During your turn, your clock will tick down. Once you make a move, your clock pauses, and the opponent's clock continues to tick down. Once a player has run out of time, they will automatically lose the game. You can also choose beforehand to add time after each move made.
The Chess clock can be modified or turned off in the starting menu, view "Settings" to know how.


Help with settings

Black Won

by Time


White Turn
